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Why to choose managed server?
SynapseIndia's dedicated servers are customised for each individual client depending on their requirements. Our clients choose the hardware components they require. They maintain the server software. SynapseIndia maintains the server hardware, routing equipment and network connectivity. We offer our clients round-the-clock support. There are many different hosting solutions available, but SynapseIndia's dedicated servers offer an ideal solution most of the time.
Dedicated: Comparatively low as the hardware is in a sense leased.
Colocation: Very high as all server components and routers are purchased.
Virtual: Comparatively low as they are spread over many users.
Roll Your Own: Very high as all server components and routers are purchased.
Dedicated:Easily scalable.
Colocation: Easily scalable,but hardware upgrades are done by the client.
Virtual: Only bandwidth and disk space are scalable.
Roll Your Own: Easily scalable,but usually expensive.
Dedicated: Fairly quickly.
Colocation:Possible, but depends on the client's technical team.
Virtual: Yes. A new directory is created and added to those of pre-existing customers.
Roll Your Own: Possible, but depends on the speed of client's technical team.
Dedicated:What about advantages of disk processing power and disk space?
Colocation: Can be purchased as required. Can be comparatively expensive.
Virtual: Not possible
Roll Your Own: Can be purchased as required. Can be comparatively expensive
Colocation: Possible, depending upon client's staff.
Virtual: Quick hardware replacement possible.
Roll Your Own: Possible, depending upon client's staff.
Dedicated:Very fast
Colocation: Specified bandwidth (ISDN, T1, T2, T3)
Virtual: Depends on use by other sites co-hosted on the same server.
Roll Your Own: can be very fast,but speed can prove to be a very expensive option.
Colocation: Possible, but depends upon client's staff.
Virtual: Not normally possible.
Roll Your Own: Possible, but depends upon client's staff.
Dedicated: 365 days a year.
Colocation: Possible with products the support staff is familiar with.
Virtual: 365 days a year.
Roll Your Own: Possible with products the client's staff is familiar with.
Dedicated: Yes.
Virtual: Not possible
Roll Your Own: Yes.
Dedicated: Yes.
Colocation: Possible, but depends on the knowledge of the client's staff.
Virtual: Usually restricted to whatever the host installs.
Roll Your Own: Possible, but depends on the knowledge of the client's staff