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Solutions Process
The business process at SynapseIndia follows eight clear and distinct steps. The process of design and solutions development works in tandem with a distinct process of communication with our clients. This helps us to create the best possible solutions in the shortest possible time for our clients. The steps are enumerated below:
Our business process starts with an understanding of the detailed scope of the project and time requirements from the client. Our technical experts and our creative and marketing wizards confer together to arrive at a realistic picture of the current scenario and the potential,which can be achieved given various parameters. There is a detailed interaction with the client at this stage. We prefer that this be through chat - instant messenger - aol/icq/msn/yahoo etc. This usually answers most primary details, required to begin the project. A detailed initial brief from the client also suffices.
Strategy Selection
The primary basis of strategy selection is dependent on customer requirements. It includes consulting for the Internet strategy of our clients. This is combined with high-end technological innovation. Backed by inputs from our marketing and creative departments, we present our clients with a detailed strategy plan. Based on customer requirements and goals, our creative and technical experts seek to define the practical boundaries while outlining the best solutions.
The fundamental business processes are detailed and enumerated at this point. A techno-commercial proposal is made listing the basic technical details and their interaction with the conceptual and functional aspects is enumerated to emphasise the end-user experience. A time frame, the team working on the project and other relevant details are all incorporated into the proposal.This proposal is then sent to the client.
At the design stage, we create a visual design; flowchart and architecture based on client requirements backed by concept inputs from our creative department. The actual user-interface is developed at this stage. Details depend largely on whether the client would like inputs from our side or whether he has a specific idea of their requirements. In case of the latter, a detailed design specification is required. The client can also mention specific features of certain websites that appeal to them.
Solutions development
At the development stage, we define the organisation of the software and how it is to be developed. Subsystems are delineated and organised. Each developed component can then be tested and the results obtained from our different technical teams are then integrated into a final system.
Our trial process involves a series of reality checks with state-of-the-art tools to improve the productivity and effectiveness of the hardware and software being tested. Specially designed quality checks on individual components of the system, as well as on the integrated system ensure a high performance of the product. This is completed by on-line beta testing. We host it on our servers with a temporary URL or Domain and ask the client for their feedback. This is usually through an interactive Internet chat. Hosting on a temporary URL is maintained till the project is completed and the client approves the web site for handover.
This stage involves minor changes if any followed by the delivery and installation of the software after receiving their approval. It includes any special installation with all necessary modifications or add-ons. We also enable the customer to access related software available on the Internet, which can enhance the value of the delivered solution.
Maintenance of delivered solutions is both on-site and off-site. It includes both a constant monitoring of the delivered system and client training. We enumerate a list of actions and guidelines including both the tools and processes, which will guide the maintenance team at the client's end. Depending on the situation, we suggest updates or innovations either available in the market or custom-built updates to maintain an edge in the market.